How to delete a validated invoice (or credit note or anything present in the account_move table) in Odoo without having to install modules or writing custom python code. You just need to toggle a flag in the underlying database.
How to configure the NGINX plugin module of certbot with the OpenResty webserver to renew letsencrypt SSL certificates.
Again, after a project required to deploy a Lua based system on different Debian distro, I have been faced by the problem that the LuaRocks provided by the official channels...
The cross compilation of gobject-introspection from linux to mingw has been proven a really tough task.
While working on the ADG, we implemented BAIOCA, a new algorithm for offsetting Bézier cubic curves.
A common pattern is to use Lua tables as arrays: there is no other data structure so the choice is imposed.
Lately I am working quite intensively with the Lua programming language. I will have to deploy the final system on different linux distros, mostly Debian 7 (Wheezy) 64 bits, so...