I am a really bad communicator... and this trait worsen on the blogging side. This is not due to the language I use: I am a bad communicator in every language so I am the less qualified to open a weblog. The fact is that sometime I have an algorithm or I make a discovery that seems to be wasted if not shared.

Hence this blog.

Configuring certbot-nginx for OpenResty

Configuring certbot-nginx for OpenResty

How to configure the NGINX plugin module of certbot with the OpenResty webserver to renew letsencrypt SSL certificates.

luarocks 2.4.2 for Debian

luarocks 2.4.2 for Debian

Again, after a project required to deploy a Lua based system on different Debian distro, I have been faced by the problem that the LuaRocks provided by the official channels...

Optimization of array cycles in Lua

Optimization of array cycles in Lua

A common pattern is to use Lua tables as arrays: there is no other data structure so the choice is imposed.

luarocks 2.0.13 for Debian

luarocks 2.0.13 for Debian

Lately I am working quite intensively with the Lua programming language. I will have to deploy the final system on different linux distros, mostly Debian 7 (Wheezy) 64 bits, so...